Daycare Chronicles 101 is the company that will be able to assist providers with their needs to the many things that providers endure on a daily basis and offer Consulting no matter how big or small the need is. Daycare Chronicles 101 is founded by Tonya Muhammad a Family Daycare provider with over 30yrs of expertise. A provider that understands everything Daycare.
Daycare Chronicles 101 is dedicated to making sure that children in daycare are receiving the best care with love, compassion, commitment and knowledge from their provider by being that support system, consultant and listening ear to the provider. As a provider you have to be able to adapt to the children in your care and appreciate the uniqueness in each child.
Daycare Chronicles 101 is here for all providers no matter where you are located across the globe because we understand the daily activities and obstacles that can occur. We consult with integrity and confidentiality. Daycare is universal and needed all over the World.
We are here for the Provider no matter how big or small the need is.
Daycare Chronicles 101 is here to help you bring out your individual creativity that is needed in order to
enhance your facility and the lives of your daycare families. Our vision is to help the provider discover the strength & creativity from within to develop the best program that they can achieve.
Daycare Providers are Essential and each provider should know & appreciate their value, gifts, and talents. By helping a provider to see their potential this will help them to enhance their program and create the best foundations and environments for a child to succeed in life.
Daycare Chronicles 101 desires to be a Global Training Institute & Consulting Firm for providers. Being known Globally as a Knowledgeable & Dynamic Speaker, Consultant and Workshop Facilitator that shares over 30yrs of expertise in this field.